So December 19th has come and gone and so has another challenge. Once again this year the weather has toyed with the potential outcome and mother nature once again walks away the victor. The day though was surely not a total loss. After the DEATH STORM 2008 the night before, we were left with several inches of sleet and snow with a nice layer of ice on top. I headed out on the bike around 6:30 and just as I opened the door there was a big flash of light and thunder... great... another good omen. The riding was even slower than planned due to the conditions but the early morning ride was quite beautiful while the snow was still falling. By 7am I had 3.2 miles in, at 8:30 I was at 10.3, 9:15 saw 16.4 and total finish by 11:40 with 27.1. Making certain I was not the most exciting story of the day, our dog Kyson went into action breaking through his electric fence and going on the hunt for me and my bike. Luckily I found him just a few blocks away from our house... all he wanted was to run next to the bike, which he did all the way home and back through the fence. I received several hellos from people out cleaning off their drives and even more bewildered looks as I made several laps around town.
The local news station was scheduled to interview me around noon, but thanks to the IL governor making a news statement and then a cameraman calling in sick it turned out that I was not quite so newsworthy. So slightly after noon I started out on the run. TERRIBLE is how I would describe it. I was already feeling tired and my shins and knees were sore, what was I suppose to expect when the longest I'd previously ridden a bike for was about 5 miles? I was able to run 11 miles on my own before my left knee really started giving me trouble, so I did a few miles on the elliptical and finished off walking the rest with Shannan. Ended up with just over 16 miles.
Though tired and hungry the night was not over as the party was about to begin. We came up a few short at the party due to weather and conflicting events but still managed a few over 20. The night went well and a good time had by all (I think) and I didn't even throw up! Overall I learned alot about my body and potential during the day along with finding out that I can eat alot and run at the same time! Next year will surely bring better preparation and more planning, but in the end it's usually the weather that determines just how far you'll go.
Here are the ending stats:
-27 miles biking - completed
-27 miles running - completed only 16 miles
-27 kiss songs - 30 sec. of 25 songs (I just can't get into them)
-27 friends at the party - ended around 22
-27 pullups and 270 pushups - Not even attempted
-A great birthday... completed
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, gifts, and for making it out to the party in less than ideal weather. See you next year!
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