I'm starting to incorporate more and more crossfit into my workouts and Sunday night's was a brutal one. Sunday afternoon I put in an 8 mile run outside and that will likely be my last "long run" before the challenge. I'll mostly be doing the crossfit main WOD's and the endurance workouts. After the challenge I'll start incorporating more long runs to prepare for the 50 miler in April. Last nights workout was 3 rounds of 21-15-9 of sumo deadlift highpulls and overhead squats (hardest thing I've done in some time). The sdhp I was using 35lbs and the squats I was only using the 15lb bar and they were kicking my ass, literally. Doing squats with your arms fully extended is in a whole new league of makes me want to puke. I finished up the day with an extra mile on the elliptical. Tonight was 7 rounds of 1 rep of clean and jerk (haven't done these since high school) and it went surprisingly well. The weight for the rounds went 65,65,75,75,85,85,85. Pretty sure my clean form is terrible, but the jerk portion seemed fairly smooth. Less than two weeks to go...OH!! and I downloaded Rev Theory's new cd tonight which I will be listening to during parts of the challenge... you should also check out the singers girlfriend, Jamie Eason, who is a fitness model and competitor. In parting just remember, being weak is a choice.
Jamie Eason
1 comment:
I told you NOT to post this picture of me on the rocks...it's sooo un-becoming!
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