Kyson sleeping in this morning
Well tonight me and Kyson had our first run in the snowy streets of Orion together. Only did 2.5 miles and am going downstairs shortly to punch the bag till I puke or get really hungry. Tonight was also the first run in my new Salomon shoes. I wasn't real sure in the beginning how much I'd like them, but I think they'll be great trail shoes for me and will work on the snowy roads in the winter time, however I can definitely tell the difference between these and my road shoes. The roads weren't perfect tonight and actually after running them I have a positive outlook for the challenge because they can't get too much icier so they'll either be snowy which is fine or dry which is great. That was my only real main concern as weather otherwise won't really effect the outcome (I hope) but only the duration.
Me and Kyson after our run tonight
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